Friday, July 29, 2011

Eighteen Post

Hello World,

I think i owe this blog some explanation of my absences these few days.

I have been busy with tuiton (Brian Poh) on thursday, still no income because it is paid to agent... Anyways, I plan to drill him with challenging problems but i will also take up Charissa suggestion and cut him some slack some times... Maybe I can try to relate chit chat to his academic work...

Oh and he gave me 2 maths questions that i did know how to solve.... will go mull over it.

Also on Thursday, I went to NUS and met another guy doing the same course as me :) He's name is Jan and he was from RJC, I just learnt that he took KI lol...

And reuben wants to get tuition for lit or econs so okay will keep a look out for him.

And also heke's wisdom tooth extraction job...

Love being in the middle :)

Anyways CORS round 1C is over...

Should be going to shower now.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sixteenth post

Hello World,

Went to sell clothes at pasir ris blk 400 +...

Tomoro also got tuition!

Charissa is a real estate agent!

Going to sleep...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fifteenth post

Hello World,

Lost money and found it again! What a relieve!

Went to learn about CORS bidding today haha. I think i have to make plans for bidding and tutorial ranking...

How much to bid and how to rank the tutorials.

Have to read up about the modules too.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thirteenth post

Hello world,

Was working for OPUSIT at SINGTEL building near kim chuan road... the job is just to stock take on the servers in the server room. Tomorow is my last day there... have to do faster because they expect to finish tomorow... I think its a good thing because the job is done... but bad because then its 49 dollars less from pay... maybe.... i shouldnt think about and just do the job...

Also the other tuition is starting soon... quite happy to be teaching maths... i didnt really think i would begin to find joy in teaching. (or making sure that they get high marks... then i think it does make a difference?)

I already got the directions to get there now just have to print the worksheet for the tuitee tomorow...

I was hoping to get more tuition posting... but.... seems like i can't get any... no post from the webby...and i havent found a tuition for the geography... hmmm.... should be easier when school starts.

Anyways i should get going to print the worksheets

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tenth Post

Hello World,

Today started work at IBM data center at Tai Seng. But didnt bring shoe and was brought back by IBM liaison officer.. the experience as quite embarassing. Will definitely wear shoes tomorow. Brought back OPUS IT laptop, scanner and laptop charger. I think Angelas is the team leader although he just said he was sent here. He did say he was given the project... so most probably... and he also said that the timesheet will be filled at the end of this event for me its the 21 Aug 2011.

Samuel's mum called to cancel tuition. Later tried to shift it to Thursday but I had tuition on thursday. At some condo at Tampines. He is having another tuition on Wednesday so his mum changed to Saturday 11am.

Lost and found 20 dollars! Lucky Charissa found it!

Charissa said Huimin teacher said I was wrong... About plotting y=3cos(x-(pi/2))... Since I have logical proof from well-established premises and numerical evidence from graphmatica!

Have to go and check time location and way to get to thursday's tuition :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ninth post

Hello World,

Yea! I passed my APC test! Although I only got C for both Calculus and Linear Algebra I, I am going to accept APC for both modules :) Hope this is a good choice :)

Going for work tomoro... going to be cold so i better bring a jacket...

Charissa's back from camp.

And my sis is angry that she can't bake macaroons.

Dad's in pain again...went to the Changi General Hospital. He said some baldy doctors just asked him to wait until the appointment made with specialist... Maybe I should explore using private hospital's services?

Anyways must remember to print tuitee's worksheets and put in back, and find out about private hospital fees.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Eight Post

Hello World,

Charissa is still at camp... Wonder how it is now.

Just had tuition today.. Samuel... at Bedok North, then went to ah ma house.

Watching movie with family now :)

Gotta write the revision test and homework for him.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Seventh post

Helo World,

Charissa is going to camp tomoro...

And she signed up for party coordinator at ehub's level 3 playhouse thingy... not sure what it is called... it should be quite fun... and its 9 dollars per hour!

and i got another tuition job :)

and NUS computer science people wrote an app for planning the modules! So cool!

That all for today.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sixth Post

Hello World,

Went to bedok south blk 18 to bring grandma to mount elizabeth hospital today, to my surprise the fees are not extra orbitant!

Charissa brought her mum to hospital too. Hope she is okay...

and I havent finish my diagnostic test yet.

Kang Rong ask when are we meeting again?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fifth post

Hello World,

Charissa went to a camp brief... she is at the camp brief now.

I ate porridge and curry today... odd combination but tastes okay.

Checked on BTO flats today.

In mature estates, like tampines and pasir ris, 3 rm cost about 190K to 210K with about 2-3k increase in each floor. 4 rm about 321K to 339K. Around the same increase for floors. 5rm about 380K - 410K. Around the same increase for floors.

In newer estates like punggol 21, they cost about 20K less for 3 rm, 40K less for 4 rm and 60K less for 5 rm.

Takes around 4 years to build... Strangely, keys are collected in three year, as quoted from HDB websites

Bidding admin is $10, Option fee is $500 for 2 rm, $1000 for 3 rm and $2000 for 4/5 rm/executive

Downpayment is 10 percent cash if taking HDB loan + 3 percent legal fees

Also have to pay:
Legal Fees
Resale Levy
Renovation Cost
Home Protection Insurance.

This is the INCENTIVE governement give to citizens to WORK HARD! nice

Fourth post

Hello World,

Went to the IBF today with Charissa, signed up for Module 1A and Module 6. Paid 256.8. Test on 10 August 11 just before school starts... Hope we pass! ( Actually I am less worried about Charissa because she is studying accounting and finance in SIM :) )

Also went to KK before that, she was wondering if we can A) make our own antibiotics and B) do our own bacteria test. So I wiki-ed, and...

A)There are many antibiotics with different mechanisms of action. A common antibiotic is penicillin, it is a liquid from a class of fungi called "penicillium". It is effective against Gram-positive, not so against Gram-negative. Its mechanism is that it disrupts the synthesis of peptoglycan microbial wall of bateria, a mesh of sugar and amino acid outside the plasma membrane. It can be produces synthetically but obviously, we lack the equipment. It can be grown on bread, tested on culture for anti-microbial property, then cultured in broth, filtrated then used.... but it might be wrong... Wiki reported that pencillins are also used in the production of cheese, like brie cheese, blue cheese, etc. Maybe just use cheese as antibiotics against Gram-positive microbes?

B)Again there are many ways to identify and classify bacteria, one of them is Gram-staining. The procedure (copied from wiki) are as follows:

0. Add 2ml of iodine , 3ml of potassium iodide in 70 ml of ethanol.
1.Boil body fluid for 1 minute.
2.Add some crystal violet solution to the boiled body fluid.
3.Add solution prepared in step 0
4.Add acetone or alcohol quickly after step 3
5. Add safranin

At step 4, if the bacterial are purple, then its Gram-positive, if it loses it colour then its Gram-negative. At step 5, Gram-negative bacteria should be pink.

Iodine, potassium iodide and ethanol should be readily available at pharmacist. Acetone are nail polish? Not sure.... or pure alcohols should be available as disinfectants at some pharmicist. Safranin should be found in dye shop, places that produce clothes or spice stores, if not they can be squeezed from the flower itself. Crystal violet can be bought online in bulk or from science interest shops.

Note: there might be factual errors in this article as I got this information from wikis and i am not formally trained in pharmacetics, microbiology or medicine :p

Monday, July 11, 2011

Third post

Hello world,

Okay I gave up the transcribing :/ haha that another thing that i can't do.

Decided to go sign-up for CMFAS Exam module 1A and 6 at the Institute of Banking & Finance tomoro with Charissa... hope she is feeling better...

Yeah NUS pre-reg system is finally working :) going to download the forms and sign and put them in a safe place...

Then have to continue with the diagnositic test :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Second post


Schools going to start soon! But I haven't found the tuition grant form. Charissa is at her grandma's place. I got a tuition job at bedok north! I am preparing the diagnostic test with references to the Secondary 3 Maths syllabus. Hope it will be useful to him/her. Really want the kid to get get good grades, its beneficial to both me and him/her. Can't wait to see him/her get good grades.

Orientation is going to start soon! 1 August is not far. Wonder what i would find there?

Opus IT is delaying the server serializing project because of late security clearance from IBM... Hopefully, they dun take too long.

Saw pepper lunch hiring and noted interview date on calendar. Now dun feel like going...

Faculty Award was renamed :) Now its sounds better :) Really feel like thanking my teacher at MJ but feels awkward. Got Mr Cha's number but dun know how to write the message. Just "Thank you"? How they will see this post and receive the message. Oh this is mushy.

Just updated my facebook details... going to add this blog to the details. Then continue with the diagnostic test.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This is the first blog post


I cant find the tuition grant form from the NUS pre-registration website. The guide book says its there but its not.... the system tells me this:

Sorry, you have no application for the current Admit Term / you have not completed your Acceptance of Offer by NUS.

I think I should call them on Monday to ask. Better set a reminder on my handphone

Charissa went to the SIM orientation... wonder what she is doing there now?

Just told Wynne that I am not going for the cycling trip tomoro. All nus's fault