Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tenth Post

Hello World,

Today started work at IBM data center at Tai Seng. But didnt bring shoe and was brought back by IBM liaison officer.. the experience as quite embarassing. Will definitely wear shoes tomorow. Brought back OPUS IT laptop, scanner and laptop charger. I think Angelas is the team leader although he just said he was sent here. He did say he was given the project... so most probably... and he also said that the timesheet will be filled at the end of this event for me its the 21 Aug 2011.

Samuel's mum called to cancel tuition. Later tried to shift it to Thursday but I had tuition on thursday. At some condo at Tampines. He is having another tuition on Wednesday so his mum changed to Saturday 11am.

Lost and found 20 dollars! Lucky Charissa found it!

Charissa said Huimin teacher said I was wrong... About plotting y=3cos(x-(pi/2))... Since I have logical proof from well-established premises and numerical evidence from graphmatica!

Have to go and check time location and way to get to thursday's tuition :)

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