Friday, July 29, 2011

Eighteen Post

Hello World,

I think i owe this blog some explanation of my absences these few days.

I have been busy with tuiton (Brian Poh) on thursday, still no income because it is paid to agent... Anyways, I plan to drill him with challenging problems but i will also take up Charissa suggestion and cut him some slack some times... Maybe I can try to relate chit chat to his academic work...

Oh and he gave me 2 maths questions that i did know how to solve.... will go mull over it.

Also on Thursday, I went to NUS and met another guy doing the same course as me :) He's name is Jan and he was from RJC, I just learnt that he took KI lol...

And reuben wants to get tuition for lit or econs so okay will keep a look out for him.

And also heke's wisdom tooth extraction job...

Love being in the middle :)

Anyways CORS round 1C is over...

Should be going to shower now.

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